I see folks online calling Joe Biden a 'communist', lol, funny, he's not even a socialist. Folks just seem to bandy about names without knowing what they mean. Seems to be the practice in America, and here in the UK too; where they dirty up a word, then slap it on those that threaten their hegemony.

It's proven a pretty useful tactic for manipulating large swathes of the electorate, especially in Scotland, where the conservative media do it with the word 'independence'.

In America that word's sacred, here it's a dangerous, filthy thing to be avoided, by the same sort of people that never question why those they vote for ever have any policies. Hell, they even make excuses up for them when they ruin their quality of life and plunge them into austerity.

What a position to be in, to have people you've never met, commit themselves to arguing your corner, sometimes for the rest of their lives.

Great set up. You get a platform (UK parliament) to showcase your lies and virtue-signalling vanity. You're rewarded with a decent salary. You can employ your friends and family at the taxpayer's expense. You get a second home (which you can flip if you want) and you get a free run at rattling as much expenses as you can shake a stick at, before they wipe the slate clean again in 5 years time.

And what do voters get out of it? When you're elected, they get to brag, that 'they' won something, lol. Shouldn't laugh, it's a fucking shame.

But when you look at it, if this was your life, would you give it up? Course you wouldn't. You can understand their motivation, sick though it is. It's the poor bastards they keep reeling in you feel sorry for. Many of them think and believe they're doing the right thing.

Oh well, mibbes one day we'll put it all right. Time is getting on though.

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